Pompe a cavità progressiva di tipo igienicos

M Range

4 Models

The M series is specifically designed for dosing any kind of fluid. It is ideal for small pumping operations in sterile conditions and it can handle pressures up to 36 Bar with minimal impact on flow rate, while keeping the product intact thanks to its shear stability. The M range is the suitable dosing PCP for may applications such as: wastewater treatment (polymers, flocculants), chemical industry (cosmetics, varnish, inks) and many sampling and premixing applications.


Flow rate

From 3 l/h to 300 l/h


Up to 72 bar

Applications & markets

The M series is the ideal dosing progressive cavity pump for the chemical and cosmetics industry, for many sampling and premixing applications.

The M series is the ideal progressive dosing cavity pump for the construction industry

Industrial applications for a wide range of products

Industrial applications in the mining sector

The M series is the ideal dosing progressive cavity pump for wastewater treatment (polymers, flocculants)

The M series is ideal for the paint and varnish production industry.


Design solido, tempi di consegna affidabili e prezzi competitivi
  • Motoriduttori e variatori di velocità direttamente accoppiati alla pompa

  • Corpo pompa in acciaio inox 316L

Ampia gamma di pompe
Estrema affidabilità, con una variazione massima di ± 1%
Controllo affidabile ed intuitivo della capacità di dosaggio
  • Tenuta meccanica: singola o a molla protetta

  • Albero di trasmissione con manicotti standard in FKM Viton. Altri materiali disponibili

Differenti dimensioni e geometrie di rotori e statori che consentono diverse capacità di dosaggio, mantenendo un unico design modulare
  • Rotore in acciaio inox 316L

  • Statore: standard in FKM Viton.Altri materiali disponibili

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